| Some student comments:
"The training at CSNY was fantastic and I wouldn't have traded it for the world!"
"The caring environment that everyone provided was superb. I felt like I could accomplish anything in terms of my singing, a feeling that I have long desired in my schooling."
"11 on a scale from 1 to 10 -- it was an an incredible experience!"
"I loved watching the blossoming of each singer - it was beautiful. I also think that your individual, special attention to each singer created a happy, confident and non-competitive atmosphere among the singers, and that created a beautiful camaraderie."
"I thought that CSNY created a comforting environment where the singers could learn and support each other. It helped me tremendously because I felt comfortable instantaneously with everyone (including teacher and coaches) and was able to improve and learn at my own speed."
"The tours were awesome."
"I do know that I grew as a musician, grew in character, and was inspired throughout the two weeks. The cultural aspect of it was great, too!"
"I only wish it hadn't had to end."  |

         | The Program For those of us who have the good fortune to live and work in this city, New York is far more than our home: it is our resource and our inspiration. | 

 | What is "Classical Singing and New York in June"?
Classical Singing and New York in June (AKA CSNY in June) is a 18-day program providing intensive vocal study and coaching for a small group (maximum 16) of aspiring professional singers and pianists ages 18-35, culminating in a final public recital in a recognized New York venue. Our vision is to enhance musical training with cultural immersion in the vast and inexhaustible resources of New York City. We offer intensive voice lessons, coachings and masterclasses with leading professionals in the field (providing the opportunity to focus on a variety of repertoire of interest and value to the singer), in combination with informative City walking tours, museum visits, ethnic dinners and attendance at theatrical and concert events.
What do we mean by "intensive study"?
Daily Private Instruction. Singers can expect to have either a voice lesson, a vocal coaching, and/or a masterclass each day. Pianists will receive individual lessons, play for some voice lessons and be coached by our faculty in the art of accompanying and coaching. All students will sing in 4-5 of the approximately 14 masterclasses that are offered, participate in guided walking tours and take part in a final performance in a recognized NYC recital venue.
Why did we establish CSNY in June?
Classical Singing and New York in June was established by Jane Olian and Donna Gill in 2008 in response to what we felt was an underuse of New York City for summer vocal programs. There exists a long tradition of summer courses for singers and other musicians, but most of these take place in either country settings, resort locations or in Europe. Our vision was to create an intensive training program for singers and collaborative pianists that would combine rigorous musical and vocal instruction (which musicians expect from summer training experiences) with an immersion in the cultural life of New York City. In the same way that Sex and the City used New York as a "fifth character" on the series, we wanted this city to play a starring role in the development of our young singers and collaborative pianists!*
*Our primary focus at CSNY is on the training of singers, but the collaborative pianist (AKA, the accompanist/coach) plays a crucial role in their developmental process! We felt strongly that it would be both meaningful and appropriate to offer training to young collaborative pianists, as well as to the singers with whom they work.
Why an intensive training program for singers?
To those of us in the field, the value of concentrated, intensive musical training seems indisputable: in the Golden Age of Singing (a less-costly era!), promising singers received daily lessons and coachings. This amounted to a kind of supervised practice, which is very significant in the case of vocalists: singers can't accurately hear themselves. They must rely largely on sensations and (particularly in the early years) on feedback from a teacher. Thus a program which offers daily, hands-on training is extremely valuable! Another truism is that singers typically begin their training much later than instrumentalists -- and they are expected to master their (quirky!) instrument in a few short years, at the same time as they are expected to acquire a dizzying array of ancillary skills: foreign languages, acting, musicianship, stage deportment... all this in the few brief years when they are still considered to be "young singers," and therefore hireable by opera companies and desirable to young artist programs.
In the case of CSNY, our goal has been to provide a deeply nurturing environment for a select group of compatible young people that will allow them to thrive and develop to their fullest in the short time allotted. The scope of the program encompasses both singers at a relatively early stage in their training, who need this kind of hands-on, intensive work; it also has proven to be of profound value to the more advanced singer wishing to "jump-start" his or her growth and development with a veritable battery of lessons, coachings and classes!